Sunday, April 23, 2006

If U R Happy N U Know It Clap Ur Hands!

If you are happy and you know it clap your hands, *Clap clap*

If you are happy and you know it clap your hands, *Clap clap*

If you are happy and you know it then your face will surely show it. If you are happy and you know it clap your hands, *Clap clap*

That's one of my favourite songs when I was a kid. I came across this song again when I was watching I Can Read VCD with Ace. As I sang along, all the memories of me singing and doing all the actions (clap, stamp your feet, say HOORAY!) came back to me and it just made me very happy. Especially the part about you saying "Hooray" and doing a star jump at the same time..

I think I am the happiest when I am singing in school.. hee ;)

Initially, Ace din react much to this song. But after being exposed to it for about a month, he is starting to clap along too ;)

In fact, Ace claps now whenever he is happy and other than that, he will also hold my hands to clap my hands (I suspect cos my hands clapping makes a louder sound)...

My Grandma was clapping for him and when he clapped, she got so excited. "See, I taught him to clap! I taught him to clap!" she said. I had no wish to break her heart and told her that both she and Ace are very clever ;)

They are, arent they? ;)

I have also noticed that Ace tends to clap whenever he thinks he is happy.. or he knows that he has been clever... sometimes he even claps when he is very afraid or very upset.... yes.. he claps when he cries...

I asked my mum about it.. she says it could be because this is the only way he can express himself.. that is why he does that..

Anywayz, I am happy to announce tat when Ace was watching Your Baby Can Read.. he managed to clap when the word "CLAP" came on.. and he also managed to wave when the word "WAVE" came on.. and he did it before the VCD asked him to clap.. so clever right?


1 comment:

  1. i dun take away tat possibility.. when he was in my tummy, he already danced to techno music whenever he hears it.. hahaha
