Sunday, April 16, 2006

Lao Gai Ace

'Lao Gai'. That's a Cantonese phrase tat means 'throwing a tantrum'.

And Ace is starting to learn to throw tantrums for attention... and it is really trying on our patience... I seriously think it is time me and Daddy put our heads together to discuss some common strategies when it comes to him cos once he throws tantrums, it is very tough to manage it if we are coming from diff points of views....

The other day, I was due to go to Suntec to give a talk and I was suppose to reach there at 7.30pm... so I started to feed Ace early at around 5.30pm or so....

He had previously been happily sitting in his high chair and watching his favourite "I Can Read" VCD...

Daddy came home and we talked and I think because he was being ignored, he started to cry...

Daddy played with him for a while and I then prepared his dinner for him.

When i came back to feed him, he just refused to be fed and made a huge fuss. Because I was running out of time, I just continued to fed him anyway... and Daddy said, "Hiya, dun feed him first lah.. you should settle why he is crying mah..."

But I wanted to try and feed him cos sometimes he becomes quiet after he is fed.....but he continued to cry when I did so and so I stopped feeding him.. but he still cried.. n wouldnt tell us what it was that he wanted...

I tried to carry him but he wouldnt stop.. i put him back in the high chair and fed him and he opened his mouth wide to CRY and just let the porridge fall out from his mouth! He simply refused to eat!

That night, he really did not have any dinner but it did not seem to bother him at all.. up till today, i still dun understand wat happened...sigh...

Then yesterday, we went to a restaurant for dinner..when the waitress came to smile at him.. he stared and stared and stared at the waitress for 10 seconds... and his eyes did not even blink.. and all of a sudden... his mouth went into n M shape... and then tears started flowing out and later, the sounds of crying followed.. also dun understand what made him cry... he is usually not afraid of strangers.... the onli theory I can have is that he can probably sense it when a person's heart is not happy or good and will dislike these people...

And then later we went to the hub and Jez Ah Ma was carrying him and we were chatting.. and all of a sudden.. when Jez said, Wah..." his mouth went into n M shape... and then tears started flowing out and later, the sounds of crying followed.. also dun understand what made him cry... the other day when I carried him and dashed towards daddy and asked him to "Rahhh.." at Daddy.. he also did the same stunt.. Daddy said I scared him... but i was not very loud mah.. maybe he has some negative connotation towards words tat sounds like Rah or Wah... I wonder why....

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