Sunday, April 09, 2006

Teeth Report

Well, Ace has got two front teeth on his top gums and two at the bottom.. here's a cute pic of him showing off his teeth!

I think my son has got very big teeth! Hahaha.. but there is a gaping hole between the two top ones.. let's hope it will close itself when they are fully out.. if not, he will look very erm.. 'cute'.. hahaha


  1. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Lynus has a gap btw his 2 front teeth too!!! This is scary... he's 8th tooth just came out 2weeks back... y is he teething so fast....

  2. Anonymous2:19 PM

    i'm sorry... annonymous was soomay agn...hee.

  3. Jerome: Cos I lazy to change the timing to make this the first post. i just change date :)

    Soo May: Children nowadays grow faster than their counterparts.. good nutrition they call it.. some I think over nutrition.. hahaha.. but leh.. genetics plays a part.. when you wanna meet???:P

  4. Anonymous10:12 PM

    the gap will close by itself...when the other teeth come will close up the gap..dun worry....hahaha
    I m motherly luv aunty liming....hahaha

  5. Anonymous10:13 PM

    the gap will close by itself...when the other teeth come will close up the gap..dun worry....hahaha
    I m motherly luv aunty liming....hahaha
