Monday, October 09, 2006

As Long As Ace Is With Me

Daddy is someone who can put up with alot of pain...

Usually if he says something is painful.. it must be REALLY painful...

His broken leg is one of the few things that he says is really PAINFUL...

Because the people at A&E did a lousy job with the backslab, Daddy could not lift up his broken right leg for long. When he does that, he would feel pins and needles and he would often have to wake in the middle of the night to lower his leg.

But if he lowered his leg, the blood will not flow back and his leg would swell..

And so, after bearing with the lousy backslab for 5 days, we finally went back to hospital for an appointment.. but alas, daddy's leg was swollen like pig's trotters... so they cannot hard cast him..

We were lucky to have met Uncle Ng and Nurse Lily there.. they work in the plaster room and are such jovial and fun people. They made the two of us feel very at ease.. and also, Uncle Ng is a very well trained plaster technician. He is in his 70s but is still working there because of his knowledge and skill..

He did a stronger and better backslab for Max and Max said it was most comfortable and allowed him to lift his leg for a whole week before we went for his second appointment so that they can hard cast him..

But I suspect that no matter what daddy was going through, he will be able to grin and bear with it as long as he has Ace, Allegra (that's the name we are going to give to our unborn baby if I am pregnant and if the baby is a girl.. hahahaa) and ME..

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  1. haha..bear with the itch hor..dun use anything to scratch...loon ah..
    I believe u can recover faster with the help of hunza prdts...

  2. Anonymous10:24 AM

    oh man...thats easy to say! bear with the itch...nearly died of itch during the first night of the hardcast. nearly wanted to pull out whatever hair i had left...

  3. no choice least u stil can move around hor.if dun put in hard cast..then ur bone will not align properly..u wan b "tie kwai lee"? REN!!
