Sunday, October 29, 2006

Monkey See, Monkey Do

The other day, Daddy had to go out to meet people and so after many days of not shaving, he decided to shave.

"Dear, pass me my shaver please..." and so I passed Daddy his shaver...

Before I knew it, Ace was staring at Daddy as he shaved and suddenly, he picked up his orange fake Sony Ericsson phone and started 'shaving' like Daddy! We laughed so hard that there were tears in our eyes...

Next up, Waipo bought Ace a bolster because he keeps wanting to use her big bolster. Sometimes when he is agitated, we just put the bolster with him in the play pen and then he would ride on the bolster like a horse and entertain himself.

But suddenly, we saw him lie on the bolster, his legs raised high in the air.... We looked beside the playpen and there was Waigong.. in that exact same position that he was! Gosh! Dunno whether to laugh or cry.

Yesterday, Waipo was talking on the phone and then Ace found a black pen, managed to take the cap off and started drawing on his own face. Luckily Zeng Popo saw him and asked him to stop. "If not, he would have drawn all over his face!" she said.

I kept thinking why he would associate a pen with the face and then I realized that he always watches me when I make up. I would use a eye brow pencil to draw my eye brows. Maybe he is trying to draw his eye brows too.. hahahaha...

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:51 AM

    ace you yang xue yang.. so cute!! :P
