Saturday, October 15, 2016

Self Awareness

In one's journey to "success" or becoming "more successful", one of the most important thing that people should have... i feel... is Self Awareness....

So I am happy that Ace's school has this self reflection thingy...

I asked ace why for the first one  and the third one.. they are not smiley ticks..

His answer to me that for the first one, "do right when no one is looking"... he is not so good because if his friends come and talk to him or what, he gets distracted and falls into trap of talking to them...

The third one, "taking initiative to help others in need", he only selectively helps as he does not help the people in need if he does not like them! Hahahaahahaha...I dunno wat to say to that though I must say it is not easy to help even your enemies:)

Given his feedback, this is what I have to say to him...

It is a decision.. and a commitment  to always choose this decision at all decision points..

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