Wednesday, August 03, 2005

7 Things Mums Must Do Everyday

My mentor, Dr George Lim said, “ There are 8 things that a boss should do everyday.”

They are namely:

I think the same rule applies for all mummys.. hahaha…

So what are the 8 things that mummies should do leh?

Should always plan ahead for the next day so that I can complete all housework on time. All trips out of the house also has to be planned. Contingency plans like extra clothes, bottles are a MUST!

Recruit as much help as possible. If you can ask people to help, DO SO! If not will only die of tiredness...

If you dunno how to change diaper.. ask for help. If you want to go out, ask for babysitters. It pays to be nice to other pple but do recruit the right pple for help.

I mean, I left my baby at my mum’s place and after taking care of him for ONE AFTERNOON, my sis kenna 3 day MC. Haha

I am told we should talk to our babies everyday! Babies who are left alone will not learn how to speak and interact with other people and babies whose mothers talk to them will feel loved and secure and grow up happy, vibrant children ;)

Of course must do sales lah. You should ALWAYS sell to your in laws or your parents ideas like:

- why teaching your son how to drink alcohol at a young age is a bad idea,

- why it is ok to put a mirror in the cot for the baby to learn things and

- why it is not a great idea to call your precious son ‘chao Barbie” even though it may be a term of endearment during their time. We dun want our children to grow up thinking that they are smelly pigs, do we?

Yes, everyday, I learn new things about my son and I think he learns new things about me too.

I learnt today that:

- He enjoys sleeping on that blue bouncer because it is airy.

- Always feed formula if not enough milk. Dun cheng qiang. I cheng qiang from 4am till 4pm in the afternoon and in the end? My son the super persuader won and I am glad he did. I managed to get time to finish a few tasks and write this blog too ;)

Everyday, I will teach and educate my son. I believe in early childhood education aka 0 age education.

I will sing to him the alphabet song and sing 10 little Indian boys to him. I also make him count along with me when I count the number of Vitality Plus ( a health food I take) I have to take for the day.

I teach him to sing children’s songs and teach him where his eyes, nose, mouth, hands and feet are.

I also teach him morals, ethics and manners by explaining to him the facts of life and how he can become a better person.

I also give him physical training. Currently, I am teaching him to sit up. So far so good. He can last upright with some support from me for as long as 5 seconds. Not bad for a 5 week old huh? ;)

- Did baby poop?
- Did baby pass urine?
- Is feeding time past?
- Are diapers washed and dry?
- Is he sneezing too much?
- Is he running a fever?
- Is he sleeping enough?

Whenever he does something I like. I smile and laugh at him and tell him he is the best. He especially likes it when I say he is CLEVER, HANDSOME and claps his hands. Never fails to smile whenever I do that.

With so many things to do everyday, I really wonder how some mummies hold full time jobs man.


  1. hahaha... i cant stop luffing at the chao barbie... hahahaha...

  2. hahahaha:) i think when we babies.. mummy called us tat 2:S
