Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Ace is A Fortune Baby!

My son has been conferred a FORTUNE BABY by the Singapore Soka Association (www.ssa.org.sg) for being born into a family that follows this religion.

At the conferment ceremony, there were like 300+ babies and I am so glad that Ace is a month plus and easy to care for. Throughout the whole of the 2 hour ceremony, he would just sleep or feed.

The daddy seated beside me told me, “I wish my son can shrink back to your son’s age..” His three-year-old bundle of energy was running around, crawling under chairs and pushing people around. “My son has got nails on his buttocks!” says the exasperated daddy.

Well, waiting for 300 babies to go on stage to get their certificate can be a boring process. Especially when your number is 15 out of the 300. So I took to looking around and this is what I observed..

80% of mums will become FAT
It is true! I met so many people I knew when from way back when we were teenagers. All mummies have put on weight after the birth of their babies. And even though their babies are already one year old or so.. they are still FAT. They just have not lost their pregnancy fat!

Even those who are there to view or help out also have grown fat. And when I say fat.. I mean REALLY like fat lor.. God, age is really no woman’s friend. I seriously think these people need my help to lose weight.

That got me to start wondering what I would be like should I not have lost 15kg and dropped to 55kg . If I were 70kg at the start of my pregnancy, I would probably be like 80+kg now! Yikes! That’s terrible, I think I would look like a KING KONG and hate myself for life!

FAT mummies have FAT babies
I love to look out for michellin babies… and I found a lot of them and I suspect that they are all on formula. Mostly, they have rotund faces and their arms and legs have got these creases where you have to peel to clean. All in all, they just look like a ball of fat. Not cute at all! Some look like la bi xiao xin (Crayon shin chan!) Haha…

Some people think babies like that are cute. I think they are just plain unhealthy! I wish them good luck in losing all these baby fat man!

Ace does not look his age at all
Right in front of me was this baby who was also a month plus like Ace. However, he is much smaller. I think Ace is taller, fitter than most babies his age. In fact, when I compare, I think Ace really looks quite mature for his age. He looks like a 2-3 month old. Heng ah.. look mature and not FAT ah. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that he is very tall also…

AVENT is a popular brand
The event might as well double up as a baby show man! Baby contraptions of all shapes and sizes were on display! There were all sorts of prams, carriers, bottles, etc.

It was also like a mini fashion show for baby clothes too! One baby even had her ears peirced!

And I noticed that AVENT.. which Ace is currently using is indeed a very popular brand as I see many babies using it.

Ok, at least I dun feel like I want to 'long piak' (bang against the wall) for not buying the NUK brand which EVERYONE tells me TOO LATE that it is very good..

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