Sunday, September 04, 2005

The Pram-Peeping Syndrome

Before I was a parent, I never noticed this.

But as I push Ace along when I go out, I noticed that most people would have the Pram-Peeping Syndrome and it goes like this:

1) Blatant stare at the parents
2) Quick peep into the pram to look at the baby
3) Quick look at the parents
4) Look away quickly

Why do people do that?

I know I do that now because I am trying to see if other people’s babies are cuter than Ace. And I am proud to say that I have so far not seen any other baby who is even cuter or more handsome than MY baby Ace.

So why do other people do that?

My friend says she does it to:
a) check out if the baby is cute
b) check out if the baby looks like parents

Sometimes, she sees a very ‘sad-looking’ (not that the baby looks sad.. rather we feel sad for the baby for the way he/she looks) with pleasant looking parents and at other times vice versas. Whichever way it happens, we feel a stab of sympathy for both parent and baby.

I guess I am glad I look ok. As most beautiful mum-to-be 2005, I know I at least dun look as if a truck has rammed into my face.

And if what everyone tells me is true, I am also lucky that Ace is a very handsome little baby. (I am trying to make up for not being very humble just now.. hahaha...)

With regards to Ace being handsome, I think Ace agrees too because he would absolutely BEAM at anyone who says that he is handsome or calls him a ‘handsome boy’.

However, I still haven’t met many strangers outside of my office who would come up to me and say, “What a cute little baby… hiya, the mummy so pretty and the daddy so handsome.. no wonder baby so cute…”

You would be surprised but the people in my office are always lavish with praise. I hear this everytime I bring him to office and I hear it numerous times from different people.

Now you know why I like to bring Ace to office. Hahahaha….


  1. Anonymous11:16 PM

    me Me.. i'm your loyal reader haha. your blog always so interesting..

  2. sometimes we see the baby and the parents dun look alike we will suspect whether the baby is theirs...


  3. one glance very diff to tell look alike or not...

  4. some the parents both chinese but the baby got blond hair, then confirm the man is not the father... muahahaha...

  5. you c tat before?

    i se one is the baby dam sad face but parents look alrite.. hope baby will outgrow it..poor thing

  6. i see once chinese woman with ang moh man... so we trying to see the baby is chinese or ang moh and trying to guess whether the man is the father...

    there are alot of sad face baby actually...

    i better stop bad mouthing other pple's baby... wait nxt time karma on my baby... =p

  7. Hahhaha.. tat's true.. but depend on who you marry lah.. u quite pretty.. ah thom quite handsome.. should be ok.. unless you end up with someone tat looks like truck ran over him.. then.. keep your fingers crossed...

    Anywayz, i think looking at beautiful baby photos help to have nice baby ;)
