Thursday, November 24, 2005

Laugh Ace Laugh

I did tell you that Ace can laugh now right? ;)

At this moment, the sound of Ace laughing is the sweetest sounding sound to me!

In the past, he would only laugh when daddy kissed him on his chin and around his neck. And then, he started to also laugh when I did the same. Other than that, he merely smiles at us.

But we have discovered two new ways to make Ace laugh. If you want to know, read on...

Have a bolster in hand
For some unknown reason, Ace loves bolsters. Use any bolster big or small to play with him and he will smile, laugh and giggle.

You can throw it at him, use it to tickle him, use it to hide your face and say "Boo!"... if he is sufficiently warmed up, he will giggle and giggle non stop!

Laugh loudly
Ace will also laugh along when you laugh very loudly at him. Whenever wai po or yeye laughs loudly at him, he will follow suit and giggle loudly.

I don't really know if it is cos he enjoys seeing people laugh or is it because he is just imititating what he sees.

But anyway, when you see Ace, do laugh aloud with him ;) I am sure both of you will enjoy it!


  1. Anonymous12:46 AM

    i think u need to prep many many bolsters...and many "Jambut" to soothe your bruises. :)

  2. hahaha... but one thing for sure power can luff really LOUD... but whether it is infectious to ace... is still a question mark... hahaha
