Thursday, November 03, 2005

What Women Want

In bid to let Ace understand at the tender age of 4 months, what women really want… Daddy has decided to dress Ace up as a woman.

He used the tiny puppy soft toy we bought in HK as breasts…

But I think Ace was not very happy as you can tell from the picture. After all, he is a VERY BOYISH BABY… people dun need to doubt.. one look can tell he is a boy.

But he doesn’t mind though when mummy dress him in clothes that are a little girlish.. ;)

Hiaks, maybe he likes me better.. hahahaa…


  1. hahaha...he must be traumatised....
    he's so cuteeee...

  2. Anonymous5:03 PM

    oei...i shall tell my son not to smile at "Power".
