Saturday, December 31, 2005

Chicken Rice Cereal

They other day when I was shopping at the Supermart for Ace's stuff, I saw something that REALLY freaked me out.. CHICKEN RICE CEREAL...

You see, I am vegeterian and became one for health reasons.
While I have nothing against the meaterians and I think that it is up to people's own free will to decide what they want to put into their bodies, CHICKEN RICE CEREAL REALLY FREAKED ME OUT!

Maybe you would understand why if I shared about my journey to vegeterianism with you...

You see, I was a meat lover. I ate anything and everything and lots of meat. Couldn't live without it!

Then I read a book called Fit For Life by Harvey Diamond. In the book, he says that our stomachs will secrete acid to digest proteins (meat) and alkaline to digest carbohydrates (rice). Usually, it takes our body 3-4 hrs to digest this food...

However, when you mix both.. as in when you eat a plate of chicken rice (chicken=protien, rice= carbo), your body produces both acid and alkaline at the same time and causes the alkaline to neutralize your acid. As a result, both acid and alkaline cannot do their job and the body finds it very tiring to digest the food.. it tries and tries but to no avail. After 12 hours, all you have left are a lump of fermented food inside your body and the body just gives up and let it pass out.

After I read that, I decided I dun want fermented food in my body and started to be a little careful about what I eat. Chicken rice seemed like a really bad idea from then on...

Then a friend showed me a video called Meet Your Meat where they showed how livestocks are killed so that we can enjoy our KFC, Mac Donalds.. and it really freaked both me and hubby out. I turned vegeterian instantly.. for one week.. until the fear and the images were no longer in my mind...

Then, one day while talking to a friend, I realized that her father (she is malaysian) is one of the biggest chicken farmers in Malaysia and that they are the top suppliers of chickens to KFC in malaysia.

She said, "Well, every month, this salesman will come with this encyclopedia of injections you can inject into the chickens. You wouldn't believe the kind of stuff they have. THey have things that can help the chicken grow from a chick into an adult within a mere 21 days (that is like less than half the time they will usually take okie!). And then all the chickens that go out from our farm are exactly the same size and weight. Too big, give it and injection and it becomes small. Too small, give it an injection and it becomes big..."

My god... can you imagine the amount of chemicals that goes into these chickens.. the final thing that made me decide to stop eating animals completely was this: HER DAD, a chicken farmer, actually FORBIDS THE WHOLE FAMILY TO EAT CHICKEN OUTSIDE. The only chicken they are allowed to eat are the kampong chickens they rear NATURALLY.

That's not all... when we eat all these chickens, the chemicals go not just into our bodies and stays there... it also gets passed down to our children's body when we give birth... so for the good of Ace, even before he was born, i stopped eating animals ;)

So you see.. chicken rice for adults to me is already very scary... chicken rice cereal for babies? That's really scary!

Aiyoh.. as I type, I am getting goose pimples already....

Chicken Little, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:25 AM

    nah....sounds horrible...i think i will take less chicken..but i dun like pork also..then die...I no need to eat liaoz... :s
