Monday, December 19, 2005

I Want To Sit Up

I am sooooooooooo envious of Christine!

Baby Waden (her son, who is only 2 days younger than Ace) can sit up on the mattress for around 3-4 minutes at least. Such a clever baby!

I tried letting Ace do that but he can only sit without support for some 30 seconds. After that he will try to reach out for his toes (to put them into his mouth) and he will topple over.

I am not saying tat Ace is not clever lah. Babies are all different mah ;)

Anywayz, recently, Ace has shown more and more signs of wanting to sit up.

Eg, when you put him into the blue bouncer, he will not want to lie down and will attempt to sit up in the bouncer. Clever baby Ace will even use leverage.. and hang on to the metal frame of the bouncer to lift himself up.

However, meal times are still an issue. I read somewhere that you should feed your baby on a highchair to establish meal time habits.

However, whenever I put Ace on the highchair, he will lean over the suck on the edge of the chair. Before I can deliver the food to his mouth, he will lean over all the way to the edge of the chair. And then his head will be facing down by then. Like that how to feed?

And then I thought very hard about how to keep him upright....

And here's the solution: I tie his body to the back of the highchair with my shawl! Hahahhaah (:ook carefully at the pic, you can see traces of the scarf ;))

When my mum saw this, she told Ace, "这样的方法,你的MUMMY也想的出来..."

But then it gets the job done and he seems to know now that to feed, he has to lean back... I am quite proud of my solution actually ;) When he gets used to leaning back and has a stronger back, I shall realease him from my shawl..hiaks...

I hope this happens soon, don't you?:P

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