Thursday, January 05, 2006

nun nun nun nun nun

Well, I have just discovered a new way to make Ace giggle...

What happened was that we happened to have an early night where we could finish our work early and come home early.. so me and hubby were looking forward to spending some time together...

Ace was actually sleeping on our way home and we were praying hard that he would stay asleep.. alas, a phone call from someone woke him up and so I had to try to make him sleep again...

At first he was hungry, so i let him have his milk.. after he was full, i started carrying him and patting him... for some unknown reason, i decided tat I would sing him a lullaby...

I started humming the tune of Rock-a-bye-baby... using the "nun.. nun.. nun... nunnun.. nunnunnunnun..." sound... and then at the end of every sentence, I would repeat the sound 3. 4 times and rock him up and down..

To my amazement, he started to luff and luff and luff. and giggle so loudly I couldnt help but continue becuase i was so amused by his reaction!

When he was warmed up enough, I started to tickle him and he just laughed and laughed. I tell you.. tat was the sweetest sound in the universe!

Well, I then tried a few experiments to see what triggered him.

1) I tried to do the nun nun nun sound without looking at him.. he still laughed...

2) I tried to do the nun nun nun action.. and move my lips.. but have no sound come out... he kept quiet...

3) I did both action and the sound and he laughed really loudly.. so i figure that the trigger must be the sound.. and the action...

Well, at last mummy can also make Ace laugh :) Hee.....

PS: Daddy can also do the same job with his new grrr grrr monster stunt...

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