Friday, March 10, 2006

World War 3

last nite.. I tried to go to bed at 2am and my son woke up asking for milk.. as i wanted him to break this bad habit of waking at 2am for milk, i refused to give him milk.. and so we started WORLD WAR 3...

2-2.15am: Ace cry loudly non stop.. have never seen such a CHEONG HEI babie i my life.. can cry at the top of HIS lungs non stop one.. it's a miracle the whole blk 422 did not wake up....

2.15-2.30am: Daddy woke up and started to carry him and rock him (still refused to stop) and then Daddy said I should feed him milk cos he cannot bear to hear him cry like tat... i refused and daddy said, "But i have never seen my mum do this to my brother also..." I was very upset :S suddenly it is my fault like tat.. i also want him to keep quiet and if we can settle things peacefully, i also want mah.. but if i dun break this habit.. i am the one who is suffering leh... i need SLEEP.. and i need ONE STRETCH kind of sleep.. not sleep 8 hrs broken up into 2 hr naps.. I am not baby leh...

2.30-2.45am- : I ask daddy to go to bed and i take over carrying him...he start to quiet down and then by 2.45am, he seemed tired and fell asleep.. i tried to put him back to his bed and he WOKE UP and CRIED AGAIN...

2.45-3am- carry gim n rock him to sleep..

3-3.15am: he decides that he wants to play with his toys...

3.15-3.30: rubs eyes and rock him... closes his eyes..brings him into the room and wake again when he saw the baby poster in my room and starts TALKING LOUDLY to the POSTER!!! Wah lau!

3.30-4am:brings him back to the living room and tries to sooth him.. falls asleep.. wakes a little while later to whine.. and finally falls asleep for good after i sing him twinkle twinkle little star using different languages.... i think i sang the song about a hundred times!!!

PS: I woke up this morning nearly wanting to die.. cos he woke at 5.30 am to drink milk (too tired to fight with him at tat time).. and then again at 9 to drink again.. 10am he is up and playing with my foot and talking loudly to the fan.. why isnt HE tired?????


  1. Anonymous8:53 PM

    oh... you are super mummy so ace is super baby mah.. haha

    u can try feed him water when he is hungry during the nite....

  2. Chris: I got leh.. but he dun wanna drink water :S

    Power: You luff.. next time you got kia then you will understand.. sigh....
