Thursday, March 16, 2006

Your Baby Can Read

I recently bought a set of VCDs that teaches babies how to read. It is called Your Baby Can Read. Based on the research of Dr Bob Titzer.. it is a video you watch with your child to teach him/her how to read. I actually quite regret buying so late.. cos the video says you can actually start from 3 month onwards... darn! should have started then...

THe video suggests letting your child watch like twice a day.. and says tat most children love to watch it again and again... however, Ace will only watch for like 2 minutes and his attention span ends.. he will start looking at other things and playing with other toys.. and will only pay attention during the song segment where they sing Twinkle Twinkle Little STar...

Or else, he will start to want to sleep and look really sian...

But i noticed a VERY STRANGE thing.. whenver the video ends and goes into the parent's segment where Dr Titzer starts to explain the what, how and whys... Ace will sit up straight and pay attention to EVERYTHING that is being said! I then emailed to Dr Titzer.. and the nice chap actually replied!

Here is his reply:

Angel, Hello.

In general, babies love watching our videos. I'm sorry that your son's interest is low at the moment. This sometimes happens for a month or so when the baby begins exploring more because he has learned to crawl or walk. I am surprised that he enjoys watching me!I recommend the following strategies..... I can't emphasize enough that this will work if you can find ways for him to see words while he hears them. Please keep me updated.

Dr. Bob Titzer

Anywayz, after showing Ace the VCD for about a mth or so.. he can now pay attention for like 20 minutes at one shot already.. he has also managed to learn how to wave and how to clap by watching the video...

I think he is starting to understand the meaning of words too.. this morning, I woke up and saw him standing by his cot next to the fan.. afraid tat he would put his finger in, I told him, "Ace, come here.." and then he crawled over.. after playing with him for a while, I turned over to rest and when I turned over, he was again at the fan...

"Yanfeng, guo lai.." he turned around and then happily crawled back to me... I feel tat he is starting to understand simple instructions like sit, stand, wait, no, yes, come, clap... so exciting.. wonder wat he will learn next! :P

1 comment:

  1. Nana! He already can say, "Nanananana" Guess who is the GOOD INFLUENCE????:P
