Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Music Sense

Ace has a very good sense of ryhthm and music.

Maybe it is because I always would listen to classical music with him when he was in my womb...

Maybe it is also because after he was born, I would sing to him often.. i have lost track of how many silly songs I make up myself just because I like to sing to him...

When he was in my womb, he would already kick me when he hears techno music..

After he was born, When he started to learn to clap, Ace would clap along when he heard music.

Nowadays, I have noticed that Ace will sometimes sway left and right to music. Sometimes he will shake forward and backward to music.

If he is standing up, then he will sway his body and shake his backside.. it is very cute!

We noticed that he doesnt not only react to certain types of music. He seems to be reactive to all music. Tribal, classical, chinese, techno, house.. you name it.. he will dance it...

Maybe he has a talent for appreciating good music bah. Let's see if he sings or play any musical instruments when he grows up ;)

PS: Ace is 13 months today! Hip Hip hooray!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:42 PM

    steady lah ...
    dancing baby !
