Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Baby No Show...

I signed Ace up for a Baby Show about two months back on a whim and fancy...

One week before the show, papa became a pai kar.. i have half the mind to just give up and forfeit my $15 registration fee but thought better of it and decided to just go and expose Ace to more children...

On that day, Ah Yee kindly agreed to go with me and Ace woke up at 7am to ask for milk.. after that, it was as if he understood it was a special day and was excited about it and he just refused to go back to bed and started walking around and talking loudly at home...

When he reached there, he will still full of energy...

Alas, by the time he was due to meet his doctor at 10am, his engine was already FLAT. He started to be grumpy...

The contest required him to do a few things so the the doctor can used as judging criteria.. while he has done all the things at home.. he suddenly decided that he shall not listen to the doctor.. very got character I say...

1) he refused to smile to the doctor when we went in...
2) when the doctor asked him to stack blocks, he took them away
3) when the doctor asked him to flip books, he held on to it tightly
4) when the doctor asked him wave bye bye.. he just looked around and ignore him

After that, Ganma Seok Ling came and we went to Mac Donalds for breakfast. After breakfast, when we were waiting for results, Ace fell sleep in Seok Ling Ganma's arms...

Only to wake when the results are announced for his category.. he instinctively moved towards the stage when the name for the Champion was to be announced..

Ah well, Ace, next time we shall let you sleep till 30 min before you see the doctor so that you will be in a good mood ok? ;)

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  1. Anonymous10:19 AM

    woohoo.. is ace going to be a star baby?? :P

  2. Anonymous5:46 PM

    of cos...cant u tell? if u need him to roll a few times on your new bed, no problem. check out the price list! :)

  3. Anonymous8:12 PM

    okie okie.. will get him to roll on my bridal bed before i got married (customary) next year :P
