Sunday, October 08, 2006

Shocking News

Well, I have repeated this N times.. but for the benefit of those who have been wondering why there are no updates on my blog, I have been taking a breather because I had to take care of two babies after daddy broke his leg...

It was a fine, sunny sunday morning and I had just woken up, bathed Ace and was getting ready to go over to my mum's place. Suddenly, I recieved a call from Max saying that his dad will send me and ace to my mum's place because he was involved in an accident.

"I got hurt while playing soccer..."

"How are you?"

"Stay cool, stay cool.."

"Where are you now?"

"Stay cool, stay cool.."

And no matter what I asked him, his answer was always "Stay cool, stay cool.." now, before i go on, let me tell all the male spieces who worry that their wives will worry about them when accidents happen that when you say, "Stay cool, stay cool.." it means nothing to us and will only cause us to feel more worried..

Anyway.. amidst much mumbling and also when Jez called me to ask how she can help, I pieced together that Max broke his leg and was sent via an ambulance to the A&E in SGH.

Actually, I was rather worried.. cos i did not know wat to expect.. I called my father in law and he said he will have some lunch and call me back..

So i quickly brought ace to chant.. and there was nothing to do but wait. I waited and waited but father in law did not call me back.. but I couldn't possibly call him to hurry him as well.. so I waited and waited...

Then he came and we went to the A&E and we waited and waited again but they did not allow me to see him.

When i finally got to see him, he was all bandaged up. They taught him how to use his crutches and we went home.

Richie and Jez came by to help us drive the car home... Richie said it would be really painful for about a week. Miraculously, with the help of Indinine, the pain was gone within ONE DAY!

The next one week was a hectic one as we were staying at my in laws place because there was a lift landing at every storey and Max could only manage little steps. Ace was staying over at my mum's place as we did not want Ace to go near Max and 'piak piak piak' hit on his injury...

And I was busy busy busy because everyday, I had to go back to my own home or get something. I had to travel to and fro from my own house to Max's parents house to my parent's house.

Now, these three places are rather near to each other. By car, it is a less than 5 min journey. But by bus, it becomes 20 minutes because you have to walk a long long way from to and fro from the bus stops... so sometimes I would rather walk.. and 20 minutes became 45 minutes.. not to mention that i am always trying to transfer things, transfer Ace from one place to another.

Everyday after travelling these distances, my back would ache as I was carrying alot of things.

Anyway, it did not help that i would walk past my car and then ask myself why I did not learn how to drive because if I did, I would be spared of much pain...

My parents were also travelling alot as they cooked and brought lunch and dinner to me and max daily.. mum would also carry ace over... not a mean feat as it was a long walk and ace is already 12kg...

On certain days , because Daddy missed Ace, Ace would stay over for the whole afternoon and i would be busy taking care of Ace as well.

The most tak gong experience was on thursday night where we did not want to trouble both our parents and got Ace to stay overnight at Nai nai's place... But that would be another story....

In short, I hated travelling and persuaded Max to stay over at my parent's place so tat everyone dun have to travel around so much and can be with ace. I also made him promise NEVER to break his leg again...

On a good note, i think Max is very positive and brave .. when I told him I wanted to blog about this, he gamely took some nice shots with his new best fren, his crutches.. hehehe...
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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:12 PM

    aiyo.. poor max.. leg injured liao still make funny actions.. lol :P
