Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Many Faces Of Crying Ace

I mentioned awhile back that Ace has taken to screaming and crying for his own way.

Just for your amusement (especially aunty power since she likes his M shaped mouth), here are some pics of him crying...

PS: Ace boy, this is how you look like when you cry okay.. VERY UGLY. Mummy likes it better when you giggle and laugh. If you talk to me properly and do your proper signs, I will still understand you and give you what you want.

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  1. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Hi Angel,
    My son is also like that now. Once he doesn't get what he wants, he will scream and starts crying...
    Headache ah!

  2. Anonymous9:40 AM

    wah.. when a baby cried until beri jat lat.. it means something.. NIGHTMARE for mi *faint*
