Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Pore Care Power!

I am not much of a skincare person.. but recently, my business partners launched this new skincare range (you can read more here if you are interested in good skincare free from SLS and Parebens with nano molecules to penetrate deeply into your skin).

Anyway, Shenice came and bought the porecare. After she used it, she told me that it is very hydrating and really good.

I decided to carry out an experiment.

You see, Daddy's leg has not touched water for a long long long long time... so all the skin (especially the area around the toes) were dry and flaky. So after cleaning his leg, I used porecare all of over him and this is what I found:

Encouraged by this successful experiment, Daddy suddenly remembered that the Kiko will make him able to stretch more and so he stretched out and was so happy. "First time i can touch my toes in a long long while.." he declared.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:53 PM

    i can imagine how much easier it will be for me if i had the kiko mat when i was in seconday school. sit and reach has always been a challenge! now can stretch easily when on the mat! hahaha...
