Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Ace, You Are The Best!

You know.. the olden folks always say you cannot praise your child too much because if you do that, they will become concieted and will fail to improve.

But actually hor, did you know that if children are given enough love, they will be able to unleash their potential and become even better no matter what? So praise them! So that they feel love from you!

The other day, me and Daddy were chatting about what he has been talking about with his mentor and he said, "I am still figuring why since young, while people like to listen to praises but I like people to tell me where I am not doing well..."

You would probably think, "Wah, great attitude to always seek improvement."

I thought otherwise though...

How sad is that?

I asked Daddy, "Is it because Papa always like to be different and say that you are no good in this and that and that in order for you to believe that your dad loves you, you associate and tell yourself that people who criticise you are people who give you attention and people who love you?"

Upon hearing that, Daddy teared...

Gee.. I think I hit a raw nerve...

Then he asked me, "What do you think my dad will feel if he knew that what he did made me feel this way?"

"Well, I think your dad will feel very sad lor... I am sure he loves you alot despite what he says. I can tell he is very proud of you. He is just mis matcher and likes to talk bad about you to disturb you."

I sure hope my father in law will attend POV cos I certainly wouldnt want to see that happening to Ace.

Anyway, Daddy.. both me and Ace are very proud of you lor. We both think you are the BEST DADDY in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD! Maybe me dun express me love very well... but me love you deep deep deep.. ok? ;)

And Ace, you are the best to mummy and daddy as well. No matter what happens, you are the best and to the two most important men in my life,

"I will love you unconditionally!"

Please vote for me for:

Cutest Baby

Cutest Toddler


  1. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Ouch...Kenna the bloody nerve again when i read this post. Damn..i hate it!

    Anyway, i really hope to resolve this when i graduate from POV. Whats the most dangerous thing, I think its not knowing whats destructive!

    Cant imagine that we human sometimes have a self destruct program that prevents us from achieving what we want.

  2. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Oh...and to thos young parents who following this blog. If you hated the way your parents treated (showed you concern) you in a certain way, trust me, one day you will start treating your own kids that way. Its sad but true!

    Becos you only know 1 way of showing concern, and thats from your relationship with your parents. Unless you want to change that fact...this will go on and on!

  3. Anonymous11:24 AM

    ya..true.I agree.
    but max mai cry..i buy u sweet nxt time :p
