Friday, April 27, 2007

Mian Bi Si Guo

You know how adults always talk about giving their children time outs as a way to discipline them?

Recently, Ace has taken to throwing things to express his unhappiness over things. When he is upset, angry or disappointed, because he is unable to express himself in words, he will take something and throw onto the floor to express his feelings.

So I always bring him to a corner for his time out to mian bi si guo (face the wall and think about his wrong-doing).

Usually though, he doesnt really think about his wrong doing and just entertains himself in the corner...

Today, he threw something on the floor.

Instead of time out. I carried him and told him that if he threw things, it might hit someone else and hurt them. It might also hit him and hurt him and he might also spoil things so it is not right to do that. And then I gave him a hug and a kiss and told him that he is a good boy and asked him if he would stop doing that.

I think the LOVE education works.

Cos after that, Ace sheepishly went to the corner and sat down and smile at me.

He went to mian bi himself.. hahahaha....

Then I asked him if he was thinking about the incident.

"You can come and play once you are done with the thinking, ok?"

He thought for awhile and decided to come back and play with me again after that.

Previous Post: I love my shichida lessons

1 comment:

  1. Well, this is a suggestion.. paste something on the wall to help him reflect upon his misdeeds...

    I paste this for my boy.. (heh).. just to share with you...

