Friday, July 27, 2007

Baby Talk

I have always wondered about this.

Now, Ace speaks alot of gibberish that I do not understand. But is there such a things such as baby talk? Do babies understand each other.. or rather, do they have a 'secret language' tat adults do not understand?

What do you think?

After some research, I firmly believe that THERE IS such a thing as baby talk and only babies cna understand them...

The other day, we brought Ace to Dragon and Kim's wedding dinner and during the dinner, he met up with Kim's nephew who is only one month older than him.

The two of them would gibber with each other, scream the same scream, dance the same dance, hop the same hop, play the same games and they had so much fun together with one another! I have never seen Ace played so happily! :)

Don't believe? Here's proof! :)

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