Saturday, December 22, 2007

Bug Fighters

We have been bug fighting...

Since dunno when, our house started to be infested with BEDBUGS. They are the worst sort of bugs you want to see in your house.

We tried spraying those anti bug liquids on them... but they still dun leave.

We tried STEAMING them with the IEcology that I have (I never felt better about this 'purchase' cos I got it using vouchers i won at the Most Beautiful Mum To Be contest and never really appreciated it cos i think it is too clumsy and too mafan to use...) BUT they still survived.

Our last resort.. LIVE BAIT.... My mum is now so sensitive that she will wake up in the middle of the night and kill 10-20 bugs one shot.

My room is the only one that is considered quite 'safe'. I dunno is it because it is difficult for them to travel so far or because I PRAYED for them to LEAVE ME ALONE.

But leh, me still kenna bitten lah...

Ace also..


We were working hard steaming and vacuming all our stuff and Ace is the only one who dam bloody boh chap.. still play ball and jump all over the mattress.. hahaha...

PS: They have since died.... yeap.. all thanks to Net Net who got his bug fighting fren to fumigate our whole house.. and since then, wonderful nights of peaceful sleep and no more scars!

Previous post: Concert

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Thank god the bugs gone liao..I also kena bitten b4...scratch till my whole back "mor peng"...haha..
