Sunday, December 16, 2007

Chao Barbie!

When Ace was born, my father in law liked to say he is a CHAO BARBIE.

I don't know much malay. But I know chao is smelly and barbie means pig. So I was really angry that my in law called my baobei smelly pig.

In the end, my mother explained that it is an affectionate term that the older generation use because the person that is being called Chao Barbie is very adorable and likable.

Over the years, I got used to it.

And then all of a sudden, my son started to use it! Initially I found it funny... that is, until I brought him to Mac Donald as promised and when he was playing with this malay boy, he started to shout, "Chao barbie!" and laughed very happily.

Heng ah.. the boy is only 8 years old and because Ace is very young and I had no reaction. He probably thought he heard wrongly.

I later found out that it is because while Ace was at in law's place, ji pek went to visit and played with him, called him chao barbie and then they would laugh together.

So now whenever he feels very happy and likes something very much, he would say, "Chao barbie..." and laugh very heartily.

Haha.. I also dunno how to break this habit or how to explain to him that it is rude. Just how to explain rudeness to a two year old? Hmmm....

PS: Happy Birthday, Ah Yee!

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