Saturday, December 01, 2007

Creative Ace

Hahaha... Ace reminded me of my childhood...

I still remember that when we were young, we would fold the mattress and make it into a cave that we lived in. When sharing our childhood stories, this is a common game that all children will play.

So I guess children are really naturally creative and imaginative.

Just like Ace. He would take the chair, turn it over and pretend to be rowing a boat.

Recently he has started to also understand the concept of make believe. For example, he will take an empty plate and pretend to cook inside and then he will pass me the plate and tell me, "Mummy arhm..." which actually means the food is ready and it is for me to eat.

I will then pretend to take a bite, he will pretend to take a bite and then he will laugh and proceed to cook his 'next dish'.

Dun attempt to ask him what the dish is though.. cos currrently no matter what you ask him, the answer is either "Ice cream" or "Mac Donald" his two most favourite phrases... hahaha...

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