Monday, December 03, 2007

Mummy Drink Milk

Nowadays, Ace has a new way of telling you that he is hungry.

Even though he is aware that he only gets milk once in the morning and once at night, at all possible strange times of the day, he will come and ask me, "Mama, drink milk!" And then will will pull me towards the kitchen.

If I ignore him or pull him away, he will cry and then he will throw a tantrum... with tears in his eyes, he will cry loudly and throw his whole body on the floor ( I video this down once.. will put it up on the blog when I got time)

Initially I was perturbed, how can he always be so hungry for milk. In the end, I discovered that all he is saying is that he is hungry. Because if i ask him, "Are you hungry ace?" he will either reply "yes" or "hungry"

When that happens, all I need is to pass him something to eat. No matter what it is, doesn't matter, as long as there is food, he will be all smiles again.

I think he must be growing because all these cries for milk are getting increasingly frequent. The last i weighed him, he is 14.6kg! That's one quarter my weight lor! And I am 15 times older than him lor!

Anyway, I am happy that my parents have a ready supply of fruits in their fridge so I try to settle his hunger pangs with fruits so that at least these snacks are healthy. At any rate, they are better than biscuits or bread (if you dunno bread will clog up their digestive system and make them constipated so the less bread they eat the better).

Previous Post: Gai Gai

1 comment:

  1. When I weighed him again 2 weeks after I wrote this post (I pre-wrote it in advance), i discovered he is 15.3kg now!
