Saturday, January 12, 2008

Growing Up

I was away in India for close to two weeks for my apprenticeship programme with POV... It was a great experience and I think I will never be able to describe all that I have seen and heard in my blog...

Anyway, during these 12 days I was away, I called back home twice... and I was really amazed at the amount of improvement that Ace has made while I was away.

In the past, when we said something, Ace would only be able to repeat one or two words, maximum 3 words in very rare cases. When I called back the first time, Ace repeated after Daddy and told me, "Mummy, wo hen xiang ni..."

And then Ace was so cute lor.. he is like a psychic.. the moment Waipo passed him the phone, he heard my voice and said, "mummy!" And then he started singing, "Mummy mummy I love you..." Hahaha.. such a sweet boy.. I almost melted there I tell you...

And then he spent the next 5 minutes saying lots of gibberish to me and I could barely make out what he was saying...

But when I got home, I realized that his improvement was far greater than what I had thought it was.

Now, instead of answering YES and NO or repeating what we ask him as an answer, he can understand and give different answers. Eg, when I came home and saw him, I asked him, "Ace, did you miss me?" He said, "Mummy, I love you!"

Yesterday, while Ah Yee was packing for her trip, Ace went to disturb her and Ah Yee got upset and ask him to go out.. so he ran to Waipo and told Waipo, "Waipo, Ah Yee angry.. Ah Yee scold scold.. Ah Yee ma ma..."

Waipo asked him, "No, since when did Ah Yee scold you?"

"Ah Yee go out, go out!'

Hahaha.. I am really amazed...

Guess he must have been improving all along just that when I am beside him everyday, I dun see such a huge difference :)

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