Thursday, April 10, 2008

Too Much TV

I think that Ace is watching too much TV these days...

How do I know even though I had been away for 2 weeks in Taiwan?

Hahaha... of course I know!

Firstly, Ace is starting to scold people "Shen Jing Bing..." I am sure that no one taught him that.. so when I asked my mum about it, Waipo said that Ace watched TV and learnt from TV.

Ok, so he learns how to scold foul language from the TV.. and that is not all...

The other day, he took out a Magic Clean mop and tell me, "Mummy, I want to sao di..." And then he took the magic clean mop, pulled it behind him and ran around the house while he said, "Wo pao pao pao..." (I run run run)

"Mummy, what is he doing ah?" I asked my mum. "Oh, that is the magic clean advertisement lah.. says you can run around with the mop..." said Waipo..

I din know my mum is also a TV kid addict now... she never used to watch tv and never used to know all the advertisements on TV.

Then a few days later, Ace came to me and told me, "Mummy, wo yang yang" (I am feeling itchy) and he started to scratch his hands... "Wo yao cha wu bi kao..." (I want to apply Mopiko). But when I looked at his hand, there was no mark there at all and no indication of why he needed to apply Mopiko..

"Ignore him.. " my mum told me when she overheard. "He watched the advertisements too many times so now he keeps wanting to apply Mopiko on himself. The other day he took the Mopiko and applied it all over himself! If not, he will want to apply the ru yi you..."

So I turned to Ace and told him, "There is no mosquito bite so you don't need to apply Mopiko, Ace..."

"Erm... I want to cha you..." (I want to apply ru yi oil) he said.. trying to change topic since he did not get what he wanted.

"Why do you want to apply that, Ace?" I asked him..

"I want to POOT yi shen.." (I want to give a poot/farting sound) he said.

This is for sure from TV lor.. cos I watched this ad N times myself.

When I was talking to Ivy that day, she said that children should not be watching TV before they turn three. She knows cos she is a teacher that specializes in brain development for young children. Actually, I long long ago also know.. but it is so tough for me not to watch TV myself. How can I ask my child not to do something that I am doing right?

I figured I still am pretty good even though I watched alot of TV when I was young.. and Ace should have his own choice lah... anyway, I try to limit the amount of TV tat he watches and the type of programmes that he watches whenever I am around.. But when I am not around, it would be tough... keep my fingers crossed man...

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