Friday, May 02, 2008

Presistent Ace

Children are really persistent and I think we have a good lesson to learn from them..

Just like Ace.

If you are a frequent reader, you would know by now that Ace loves ice cream ;)

And most of the time, his love for ice cream outweighs his fear of rejection and he just keeps asking and asking for ice cream.

The other day, Daddy sent me over to interchange to meet Jon and afterward, he was supposed to bring Ace to the playground.

On the way there, Daddy asked him what does he want and he said, "Ice cream!"

And then after I got off the car, he kept asking Daddy, "Do you want ice cream?"

"I think he asked me about 50 times after tat even though i kept saying that I did not want any ice cream..."

On another occasion after Ace finished his lessons, we were on our way to have lunch and we asked him, "Ace, do you want to eat noodles, rice or hor fun?"

"Erm... ICE CREAM!"

And after that, he kept bugging us till we bought him ice cream to eat.

Just last week, after his shichida class, he asked for ice cream. It's like a normal treat for him because every week before he gets off the car, his Daddy tells him that if he is a good boy, he will buy him ice cream.

But unfortunately, he was quite a little terror in class that day (running around... not wanting to pay attention) and so Daddy did not say OK to his request.

"Daddy, I want ice cream..." Ace told him.

"Hmm... so were you a good boy in class today?"

Ace had the guilty look... but still continued to plead. "I want ice cream..."

"Well, I know you want ice cream... but were you a good boy in class today?" Daddy asked him.

Ace pursed his lips and then leaned on my chest and told me, "Mummy, I want ice cream..."

"Ace, did you answer Daddy's question?" I told him.

And then he started to cry... "I want ice cream...."

"So were you a good boy today?"

Ace shook his head and started to cry even louder with tears streaming down his ice... it seemed quite apparent what the answer is...

"So if you were not a good boy in class, can we eat ice cream?"

And he started to cry loud and hard. "I want ice cream, I want ice cream..."

And so I told him, "Ace, we are not saying you cannot have ice cream. Just not today. Let's try to have ice cream next week, ok?"

And with that, he stopped.

I think sometimes in life, people should take a leaf out of a child's notebook... too many people I know in life 'want' things but give up too quick.. most of the time, people give up just as they are about to get what they ask for. When they give up, they decide that maybe that is not wat they really want.....

I think life is simple.. if you want it, be like Ace.. keep asking for it! ;) Ask and you will be given.. eventually anyway.. haha ;)

Previous Post: Exercise Video

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you! Been visiting a couple of kids home in Singapore & overseas. They are so 'innocent' and simply ask whatever they want. For example, one kid asked whether I can give him my camera when I taught him how to use my camera.
