Monday, July 07, 2008

Drink milk milk, read book, shui jiao

The other day when I was at my mum's place, my mum said I should start reading to Ace before he sleeps. "It is very good for his language development if you read to him daily before he sleeps. He will pick up things very fast if you do that..."

And it was only then that I found out that my mum has been 'reading' chinese storybooks to him before he slept.. every night if he is to sleep over at her place, she will read/tell him the story of goldilocks and the three bears...

So when I heard that, I decided to bring Ace to the library to borrow some bedtime books...

That afternoon when he reached home, he requested that I read the books to him before he took his afternoon nap...
And subsequently, it was as if he overheard my mum.. he would keep requesting me to read the books to him...

After three days of reading books to him, now his usual request when he wants to go to bed goes something like this, "Mummy, I want to drink milk milk, read book, shui jiao..."
And then while he is drinking his milk, I would play the Master of Addition CD in the background and read to him at the same time. This little boy will dictate what books to be read.
The other day, he was sitting in Daddy's car and suddenly said, "Goodbye, goodbye everybody.." and I was so amazed that he kept using the word everybody... and it was until night time when I was reading his story book to him that I realized that he learnt it from one of the books he borrowed.

The funny thing that happened is that amongst his story books was this advanced theory book and he kept wanting to read it as part of his reading regiment... so after we finished all the books that he borrowed from the library, he would insist that he also wanted to read the "driving book" and then he would take it, look through the pictures and finally be willing and ready to sleep.

Actually the most difficult part for me is reading the chinese books because I have not been reading or writing chinese for such a long time, the first time I read the stories to him, it took me a long long time to recognize all the chinese characters ;)

Anyway, since I see such good results, I shall continue to read more books to him...
Previous Post: Chicken Little Ace

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