Sunday, July 20, 2008

Jelly King

Did I tell you that Ace has perfect PR skills?

The other day we went to Classic Lao Di Fang to eat.. and for some unknown reason, they now provide jelly to little children and so the waitresses gave Ace two pieces of jelly.

Wah.. he was so happy and loved it so much.. he kept smiling, waving and talking to the waitresses and they all loved this cute little boy so much they gave him another jelly when he was done with this meal...

Because of that, just before he left, he went to hug and kiss each and every waitress there and I can bet with you he certainly created an impression...

About a month later, we brought him there again after his Shichida lessons.

"Wo lai le!" He exclaimed to them all when he walked in. And they all started to smile really happily... I believe this little boy certainly enriched or at least brightened their mundane work day that day.

Ace also very clever one lor.. He did not mention that he wanted the jelly at all but just kept peeping at them, waving to them, smiling to them from where he was sitting and soon enough, a dish of jelly appeared....

He did his whole routine of talking to them and just before he left, another dish of jelly appeared.. because of Ace, we now have discount whenever we go there... and free jelly too! haha...

Previous Post : Wu Lian Pai

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:31 PM

    The waitresses totaly ignored me when i was there with a friend WITHOUT Ace around. Sigh...lost my charm liao. :(
