Friday, August 22, 2008


I was sharing previously about how Ace enjoyed reading storybooks before he slept..

I am delighted to announce that all the reading seems to bear some fruit already...

Yesterday, Ace was able to describe in fine details about how he fell and hurt himself in school and the whole conversation consisted of 2-3 long and complete sentences. I guess being in school and constantly being exposed to the language helped as well.

In addition, I also managed to find some really good books that talks about keeping the house clean, getting rid of bad habits and some that a just fun ;)

I have used his books to train his memory, (I ask him what happens next like doing flash memory training) and also use them to input new vocabulary into his head.

I have found that he has a great memory because after I read the book one time to him, he is generally able to remember the sequence... and not only that, after two times of reading a simple book, he can actually tell you which exact word comes next.

And after 6-8 readings, he can read the book HIMSELF!

Here is the first book that Ace can read by himself:

Previous Post: Bath Time

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:25 PM

    HOHO.. ACE seems to grow very fast. He is becoming talLer and talLer.

    I'm very impressed that he actually can ready e whole book. wow...
