Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Ace Chua: Bali Hotelier

I just got back from a relaxing trip to Bali with Max.. (See pics here)

After much contemplation, we decided NOT to bring Ace along because we wanted some time for ourselves and also because we were not staying in a child-friendly hotel..

Anyway, we told Bali that we are going for a trip to Bali for a few days. Before I left, I kept reminding him that I will be back on Tuesday.. and that even though he does not see me, I still love him and miss him.. even if he does not see daddy, he loves him and miss him too...

Everytime I repeat that to him, he just nods his head.. so on the day we left, he did not really seem upset.

That being said, he was a little sticky when we came back. He kept saying that he does not want to go to Waipo's house. He only wants to go to Ace's house and only was willing to go when I told him me and his Daddy all going with him.

When he alighted from the car, he still asked me, "Mummy跟Ace一起去外婆的家好不好?" And he looked really serious... he only smiled when I held his hand and told him.. "Ok, let's go together.."

When we came back, I asked him if he wanted to see our photos. "Yes!" he replied excitedly.

So I showed him the photos from the camera and explained to him what is it that we saw over there..

After that, we brought him out for dinner and told him we were going to fetch Yeye and then going to fetch Nai nai from the airport before going for dinner.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, he told me, "我要去airport.." And so I asked him why.

"我要去我的hotel lor..." and when I asked him where his hotel will be in, he said, "Bali lor..."

And then he kept telling me that he wants to go to my hotel in Bali and my swimming pool cos he liked the photos that he saw..

Anyway, I told him he has to make alot of money to build a hotel and it is good he has high ambitions.. And I reminded him that he has to make sure he invites me to stay there...

And then Max asked him who can go to his hotel.. "Ace.. and mummy lor..."

"What about Daddy?" asked Max.

"Daddy stay at home.." he replied.. I think he feels that since his Daddy did not bring him to Bali, he will also let Daddy stay at home.. hahaha... Anyway, I think it is probably some Oedipus at work lah..

Anyway, I am looking forward to the day my son becomes a Hotelier ;) cool!

Previous Post: Possesiveness

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