Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I Am Very Healthy

Yesterday, I brought Ace to the library to borrow some new story books because I noticed he did not really like the read the last batch of books I borrowed.

Anyway, I also realized that I haven't brought him out for a trip about HIM for a long time and so when he reached home from school that day, I told him that we will go to the library today if he eats quickly.

I think he looked forward to the trip because we haven't gone out together for a long time. Now that Ah Yee is not around, it is not so convenient for me to bring him out alone on public transport and when I bring him out, because he is unable to sit still, I rarely bring him out.

I put his MRT card in a card holder and a string and put it around his neck, packed his library books and off we went.

I am very proud to announce that Ace can get on the bus by himself already. And most importantly, no one taught him this but by observation, he has learnt to tap his card himself. When I tapped my card, he asked me, "Mummy, where is your card?"

When we reached the interchange, I met our Xiao Yee and her boyfriend at the coffeeshop that they run so we stopped by to talk a little bit and have a meal together. And her boyfriend bought Ace a ribena and Ace was so happy.

We reached the library and Ace helped me return, choose and borrow a new set of books. When we reached home, he asked me to read him all the books.

One of the books we borrowed is called The Fat King about a king who was very fat and very unhealthy and tried to lose weight by following a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet. At the end of the story, I asked Ace if he wanted to be fat or healthy. "I want to be healthy," he said.

Then my grandmother gave him a piece of chocholate as his daily treat. "Ace, do you remember that the cook says that you have to eat less chocholate or you will grow fat? Chocolate is not healthy if you eat too much lor..." I reminded him...

He put the chocolate into his mouth, chewed it, gave me a cheeky smile and told me, "Mummy, I am very healthy leh.."

"You are very healthy?" I asked him.

"Yes, I eat chocholate. I am very healthy..."

I faintz...

Previous Post: Ah Yee Go 法国

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