Friday, November 14, 2008

Sensual Ace

I think Ace is a very sensual kid...

I especially love it when he is spontaneous...

The other day, we brought him out for dinner and after dinner, we were walking around the shops and when we went into a handphone shop, they were playing some sort of dance music... those sort that sound like Eurobeat.. you know.. the discotheque type of music and then all of a sudden, my son looked as if he was 鬼上身 and started dancing very excitedly.

He was smiling really beautifully and really 'in the zone'. The best I could describe is this... his expression, his physical movements and his emotions were all one with the music... he was like totally in the music and it looked as if his dance, his expression and the music were all one.. words cannot describe what a beautiful sight it was.

But because his movements were vigourous, and we were in public, I had to force myself not to stop him because I don't want him to feel that such beauty is wrong.

So I let him dance on... while I reminded him to be careful while he was dancing right at the ledge.. and then more people came into the shop and there was not much space to dance and alas, I still had to ask him to stop. I told him that he danced really beautifully. However, because the shop is now crowded, he might hit other people while dancing so we have to stop.

I wish I had a camera on hand then... but such moments cannot be repeated for the camera and even if he danced again, it would be different.

Because of this, I am determined to send Ace to learn dancing:) I asked him if he wanted to learn dancing and he gave a loud, resounding YES! So if you know of any good dance schools for toddlers or young kids, let me know ;)

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