Monday, December 15, 2008


Milk time (at night) is a very important time to Ace.

It is like part of his life routine that he cannot skip. I think in the 3.5 years of his life on earth, he probably only skipped milk like 3 times... when he was soooooo tired he just zonked out. Most of the time, even if he fell asleep, he would wake MUCH LATER to ask for the milk you "owe" him.

The other day, the milk supply at Popo's house ran low and so I told Ace that I packed some milk into his school bag. "Remember to pass to Popo. There is no more milk in Popo's house.. Mummy packed some for you to bring over so that you will have milk to drink at Popo's house."

After school, we sent him over to Waipo's house and because I was afraid I would forget, I immediately took out the milk powder, left it on the shelf and then went to pack other things.

"Mummy, mummy!" Ace kept calling out to me, looking very distraught.

"Mummy, where is my milk???!!! Where is my milk??!!" he kept asking me...

I held his hand, brought him to the kitchen and pointed out his milk powder to him. "There it is.. tonight you will have milk..."

Like a lightbulb, his face lit up instantly into a happy smile. "Yeah! I got milk! Yeah yeah yeah!"

Not only is Ace very particular about his milk time, he is also very particular about the type of milk he is served.

There was once I did not give him a full bottle of milk because he ate alot of things that night.

(That's how BIG he wants his milk...)
He did not protest when I gave him the milk. But for the next 3 months, every night when I am making milk, he will come into the kitchen and remind me. "Mummy, I want big big milk. I want 多多,我不要少少..."

And then he will come and inspect the level of milk in the milk bottle. It has to be full to the brim before it passes it's inspection and if it is not enough, he will remind you that he wants BIG BIG milk.. and if I ignore, he will start to make noise and throw tantrum. So, I just add water to the level he is satisfied with.

The other day he was coughing and so Nainai made some homemade remedy for cough for him. It was a sweet tasting drink that tasted a little bit like barley. Because he already ate alot of things, I felt it would be too much to drink both the cough remedy and his milk and i combined them both together.

He did not protest and went on to drink it.

But afterward, the INSPECTOR COMES and reminds me every night when I am making milk. "Mummy, 我不要凉水的milk. I want big big milk..."

It's been weeks BUT he is STILL reminding me... sigh... Dunno if it is because he has good memory or he thinks I have SUPER POOR memory.

Anyway, on the subject of memory, Daddy bought Ace a water squirter and then from then on, for the next one week, every day when he wakes up in the morning, he will hold on to the toy and tell me, "I don't want to go to school. I want to go swimming. I want to play with my toy..."

EVERY DAY WITHOUT FAIL! Luckily, Daddy brought him swimming that day and he finally STOPPED bugging me about it :)

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