Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Police Catch Mummy!

I am pleased to announce that all the lessons about occupations in school have not been in vain because at the very least, Ace understands the 'work' of a policeman.

The other day, Ace was talking to himself and he sounded like he was telling a story. I caught the words, "And the policeman catch him!" and so I asked him who did the policeman catch.

"Policeman catch 坏人!"

When I asked him why, he told me it is because "he is a naughty boy..."

I told him that policemen catch people who commit crime.

Anyway, the other day, he was suppose to change into a shirt with sleeves and go toilet and pee before he took his nap but he kept running around and trying to avoid doing all these and so I took his bolster and told him that I would keep his bolster unless he went to the toilet to pee and unless he changed out of his sleeveless shirt.

He put his hand on his ears and had the following conversation with his imaginary policeman friend, "Hello, police, you come and catch mummy.. ok, bye bye..."

I asked him why he asked the police to come and catch me and he said, "Mummy is a naughty boy. Mummy 拿我的抱枕..."

Later in the day, I showed him the packet of NDP stuff that Stanley got someone to send over for Ace. "Ace, Net net give you a surprise leh.. this is a present from net net..."

And he asked me, "Mummy, why Net Net buy me a surprise present? Is it because Net net love me?"

"Yes, Ace, Net net and Ah Yee love you very much..."

And then he took all the things in the bag out to play... he found this magnetic bookmark and told me, "It's a phone, can call police!"

And proceeded to call Police to catch Papa, Mama, Gonggong, Waipo, Laoma, Yeye, Nai Nai, etc...

PS: I asked his teacher if they taught him this. Teacher Toh says he probably picked this up from his peers because even though they learnt occupation this term, they did not teach them about policemen. I am proud to announce though that Ace can name doctors, firemen, etc in CHINESE :)

PPS: Yday night, Ace wanted to drink milk and asked me to make milk for him. I said to wait a while first and we started horsing around with Daddy. Daddy took away his bolster and Ace took his imaginary phone to call police to "catch papa.."

"Ok, now you catch mama..." Max told him. "Nooooo.... cannot catch mama.. Mama is a girl... and mama is good girl.. she make milk for me...."

We laughed until we were bent over...

But right after he finished his milk. "Hello, police? Come and catch mama, ok? Bye bye!"

So much for gratitude....

Previous Post: I am DADDY!

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