Friday, February 27, 2009

Ace can express his feelings

Ace is starting to get quite good at expressing his feelings already...

For example, he will tell you when he is sad and when he is angry... and he will even explain why he is angry.

For example, the other day when I brought him out, he got upset when he was hungry and told me, "I am so sad that you did not bring anything for me to eat..."

And then, when I offered him my kong bak pau and my biscuits and got rejected, I knew he had a specific food in his mind that he wanted to eat...

Turned out that he previous time I brought him to that place, I bought a mudpie for him... so he wanted to eat the 'chocolate cake' again...

So after we finished being bz, we brought him to the cafe and ordered a chocholate cake for him. Because it was really late and I din think he should finish the cake alone, I took a piece of it and ate it. "I am so angry... because you eat my cake I don't want to friend you..." he said.

I told him that he did not want to friend me, then don't come to me and ask me to wash his bum, dun ask me to read him story books or sleep with him.... He said, "Daddy is my friend. Daddy can wash for me.. daddy can read for me..."


But overall though, I was really impressed with his ability to express his feelings. I mean I would rather he be able to express himself than to keep everything or pretend to be otherwise.

A few days later, he was playing with his lego set and he wanted me to make a Transformers Toy for him using that. I made a robot and he said, "Your one not nice, I dun want... Your transformer looks ugly... I ask Daddy to make and his transformer is much nicer..."

Wah lau, make for him still knows how to say I am ugly and knows how to say Daddy's transformer is much nicer...

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