Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Healthy Boy Eats Veggies

Remember me telling you that Ace does not really like to eat veggies?:P

Well, it is true.. your children dun follow what you tell them, they follow what you do ;) Partially due to the fact that we are health concsious, we have decided to go for a vegeterian diet and both me and max prefer to take veggies as compared to those mock meat stuff...

About a month or two ago, I have been sharing with Ace this during meals, that healthy boys eat a mixture of healthy foods. And this includes veggies. Eating more veggies will make us more healthy and it will give us more energy so that we are free to do the things that we want.

So nowadays, Ace will eat his veggies. And whenever he eats them, he will tell me, "Healthy boy eats vegetables... Ace is a healthy boy..." And sometimes if he eat carrots, he will inform me that he is a rabbit.. hahaha ;)

It's good to see that my son is health conscious.. and he really is. He would remember to drink more water and he will ask for his Chloreana because he wants to stay healthy and does not like to be sick. And he keeps telling me, "I want to be healthy..."

Anyway, since a long way back, I have already known of children who are born vegeterians who just dun like meat and seafood.. I am not so sure though if my son will stay vegeterian since he is such a sucker for food and whenever he sees food, he would say he wants to eat...

I have noticed though that since young, he will only ask for the food if it is vegeterian. Usually if it contains meat or seafood, he naturally does not ask you for it.

I always wondered if it is because of our very good education.. or was it the fact that our scare tactics worked (even though I take a more holistic and relaxed view of things now and tell him he can make his own choice.. just tat veggies more healthy than meat and seafood) that he did not want to eat meat and seafood.

The other day, I finally discovered why.

I got my first clue when we were sitting in popo's house one day and suddenly, someone started cooking belachan..... and the smelled of belachan filled the air. For many, this is the most heavenly smell on earth but Ace pinched his nose and tell me, "So smelly, mummy..."

A few days later, I got a furthur confirmation. We were having a discussion about food and then he told me, "I don't like fish and chicken. Fish and chicken is very smelly..."

Now, we have never told him that fish and chicken are smelly. We just said to him not to eat them because they are our friends.

That is what most non-vegeterians don't know.. that if you are a vegeterian long enough, alot of times especially if your body is very 'clean', you develop a very acute sense of smell. And fish, chicken and people who eat them actually emit this unpleasant odour. This sense of smell is especially sensitive when you are doing intensive detox or you could say the smell feels especially strong when you are doing a detox. So when I am detoxing in progress, I can tell what you have eaten and whether you are healthy or not even because people who are sick or going to fall sick also have this sort of smell on them.

Me and max have been through this before but I did not expect Ace, as a young kid to also experience this.

That is the reason why some vegeterians dun like to eat with their friends in non vegeterian places cos in certain restaurants tat sells certain types of foods, the smell is especially strong. Eg, I hate the food court in bugis cos Pepperlunch gives out that smell and it stays on you all day.

Anyway, I guess as he grows up, he might choose to eat more rubbish and loose this acute sense of smell... we'll see, but at the moment, our whole family still chooses to stay vegeterian :)

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