Friday, February 06, 2009

I Share With You

Ace may be small and young... yes, he may be only 3 and a half.. but at this tender age, he already knows how to 'geng' lor.. think he is a really smart kid and we better teach him right so that he can use his intelligence on good things like how to make the world a better place...

The other day, we went for lunch together after his lessons and as usual, Daddy bought a drink and we told him that he can only drink the drink when he finishes his meal. It is our usual BRIBE for him to finish his meal quickly...

Anyway, Ace went on to finish his meal quickly and then, he came round to my side of the table where the bottle was and he took it. And then he declared loudly to us.. "I share with you, ok!" And he took ONE BIG SIP.. and then passed the straw (only, but still held up to the bottle tightly) to his dad.

Very quickly, before Max could even drink much, he took away the bottle and declared again "I share with you, ok?!" , took a big sip, then passed the straw to me.. and before I could even sip anything into my mouth.. he said, "I share with you, ok!" and took the bottle away...

And thus, in holding on to the bottle, he controled the amount that we could drink and ended up drinking most of the drink in the bottle...

What a sly fox! hahahaha...

PS: But I think he only monkey see and monkey do.. cos tat was a technique we used previously to prevent him from drinking too much.. darn! he saw through it and turned tables on us!

Previous Post: Look Like Shu Shu

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:52 AM

    He didnt just pull the bottle away lor, he learnt how to squeeze the straw to restrict the water flow as well.

    It was so funny...cos i always do that as well to him.
