Monday, March 16, 2009

Toilet Training

Ace looks like he is finally happily pooping in the toilet bowl right?

Alas, you are so very wrong:(

Since April 07 (two months before he turned two), Ace has been able to tell us when he wants to pee and has been able to use the toilet to pee...
By May, Ace bang sai kor piak on his toilet training and was able to tell us when he needed to poop as well...
For a while, we tot we had a winner that would teach him to poop in the toilet bowl when his friend TEDDY came along to help with potty training...
And then he started to poop outside of his diapers by the time he was 2 and one quarters years old. But it meant that he would poop ON THE FLOOR...
A year later, when he turned three.. I borrowed some book from the library about a little boy who poops into the toilet bowl and he was encouraged to try pooping in the toilet bowl like ONE TIME...

After that, he went back to using the diaper to poop..
Now that he is almost turning 4, I really dunno wat I can do about his toilet training... His teacher tried to re-enforce the idea that now he is a big boy, there are some big boy things he should be doing.. eg.. poop in the toilet bowl...
In school, out of sheer desperation (because i no longer pack diapers for him in school), he will wait until he really cannot wait anymore and exclaim that he wants to poop and they will quicklyl bring him to the toilet to do the biz in the toilet bowl...

But at home, he will just REFUSE to shit in the toilet bowl. I asked him once.. why he did not want to use the toilet bowl. His answer?

"The toilet bowl hole very big. I so scared I will fall down..."

So I asked him if he would poop if I bought him a small toilet bowl. "Yes!" he replied excitedly.

"Promise?" I asked him..

"Yes!" He exclaimed with a gleam in his eye...

So the next few days, me and Max went to ubi to search for a nice potty for him... it was really a tough decision to make. Should we spend $69.95 and buy him a FisherPrice TOILET BOWL lookalike that gives off music when he poops or do we just buy those converters ($10.95) tat will make the hole in the adult toilet bowl smaller.

Max said he would leave the decision to me. After a VERY LONG and VERY HARD thought, I decided to get the Fisher Price toilet bowl.. firstly because it looks like a real toilet bowl. Secondly, it is low and small and so I think Ace will feel safe. Thirdly, because there is music mah.. i think he might be encouraged to poop if that is the case. Fourthly, it can be converted into a stool anyway when it is not in use...

But leh, after I decided, Max started to complain and say why i have to spend so much money... and wouldn't it be more troublesome to clean up twice?

So I told Max that since he has already decided.. then dun ask me to decide lah.. waste my brain cells and think... but because it is his money that he is paying... we went along with his suggestion to get the converter.

Ace was really excited to see the converter and even sat on it for a while for fun.

Then about 4 days after we bought it, Ace came to me and said he wanted a diaper to poop. I told him that he has to poop in the toilet bowl cos he promised me that he would. Initially he whined and pouted but we promised him that if he pooped in the toilet bowl, we would give him chocholate cake.

So leh, Ace happily went to sit on the toilet bowl...

For the next 20 min, my happy son started to play lor... first he started singing songs to himself... posing for my camera and then pushing the toilet bowl cover down on his backside and said, "I press my backside, my backside become flat like pancake..." and giggled and laughed...

20 min later, because nothing came out. I asked him to put on his pants and go outside and wait till he got feeling for it.

But leh, this little boy is very good lor.. he waited all the way until at night when he had to put on his night time diapers and then he pooped immediately when I put the diaper on.


Dunno when all the toilet training will end... Waste of my money... should i or should I not get the fisher price one leh???
PS: I talked to Ace again and this tome offered him the Ben 10 watch that he wants again. But after some discussion, we have agreed that he will shit in the diaper until the diapers finish.. cos I will buy no more diapers for him.. I intend to keep some of them and see how he fares when it seems like it has finished..... hahaha :)
PPS: I think in his mind. Sitting and singing on the toilet bowl is considered using it.. I just found out he told my mum that he has been USING the small toilet bowl to pass motion...

Previous Post: Creative Ace 4


  1. Anonymous11:22 AM

    so is he off diapers for the nite sleep? my son still needs to get rid of it? he's almost 4 liao...

  2. Nope. But actually he can if he wants to because as long as we get him to pee before he sleeps, he will usually stay dry throughout the night...

    I hid his diapers.. so he only has four or five left.. let's see if he will fulfill his promise to stop using diapers for good :) hahahahaaha....
