Saturday, April 11, 2009

Welcome Angel!

With every NTP I attend.. with every IDSAME I do, I find my son has gotten better and better at my biz as well...

I last talked about how Ace would sell tickets like Arthur after NTP. A few days later, I found him giving a speech and the contents of it goes something like this...

"The bar has moor... and if you use it, your skin will become healthy.. your face will look younger and younger...."

And yet about two weeks later, I found him doing the same speech but this time with more elaboration.. "Got one time.. lady use the bar... and the pimples will disappear....." I was really surprised and impressed that he remembers so much of the talk. I wonder what other stunts he still has up his sleeves...

But he just never fails to improve on it and constantly surprise me.

A few days later, he used a pencil as a mic and started giving and speech while I was happily watching my TV. All of a sudden, I heard him say, "Angel is a good girl.. we ask Angel to come and talk... Angel, pls come here..."

I looked at him and then he pointed to the space beside him and told me, "Angel, please come here..."

So I entertained him and went to sit beside him.

"Everybody, clap for Angel!"

And then he passed me the mic and asked me to speak. So I just anyhow entertain him and said, "The Eumora bar can get rid of all skin problems and it can make your skin, smoother and fairer.... it can get rid of pimples, reduce scarring, reduce wrinkles, lift and firm your face, lighten pigmentation and remove eyebags. Thank you..."

And I passed the mic back to him...

"Yes, Angel is a very good girl. Everybody clap for Angel. Angel, thank you very much..." and pointed at my seat.. asking me to go back to my original seat... I thought very hard about where he might learnt this and realized that I brought him along the seminar that time when I had to give a talk on stage. He probably learnt it there.. anyway, since he was born, or even when he was in my tummy, he often sees me go up stage to give speeches and stuff like tat... My mum always brings him to her religious meetings and she often gives talks as well. I guess that is how he learns.

I think my son will have NO PROBLEM doing public speaking when he grows up. Which pleases me.. since I feel public speaking is a very important skill and one of the most common fears that people have. :)

Previous Post: Smile And Move

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