Monday, May 11, 2009

Ace's Wallet

Remember I told you that Ace wanted to bring a wallet out just like his Papa?

Well, you absolutely have no idea how much he wants to be like his father....

The other day, he said he wanted to be like Papa and insisted that he wanted to bring his wallet out... And so we let him bring it out...

When we were outside, just to pass time (because we were waiting for someone), we asked him to show us his wallet. To our surprise, we realized that in his wallet, there was MONEY, his picture and even an ATM card.. just like Papa's wallet! Hahahaha... It was so hilarious!

Anyway, that afternoon, Ace used the money from his wallet to pay for a cake and he shared the cake with me and Max. I must say it was the sweetest tasting cake in the whole wide world for all three of us ;)

Previous Post: Just Like Papa


  1. He's so proud of his new wallet!!

  2. ya lah.. everywhere he go he also want to bring his wallet... sigh...
