Friday, May 01, 2009

Comforting Ace

Even though Ace has become more nasty in that he has taken the talking like us and saying things like... "Why you say rude things to me.. you tell me.. why why why?? You naughty I throw you out of the window..."

I know though that like all other things tat I dun really like about him.. it is but a reflection of my inner emotions and also just a phase that he is going through.. and the other day, he showed a good example of what it was like to be a great friend..

I was not really happy for some reasons and I dunno if Ace picked up something since he was the one who spent the most time together with me.. he would keep telling me that he loves me and keep kissing my cheek.. and that, I must say really gave me an enormous amount of comfort...

Then the other day, we were talking about how he would like to have a baby sister or a brother so I told him honestly that even though I tried.. seems like baby brother and sister not ready to come to our house yet.. and then to my surprise, he put his hand on my back, patted it and told me, "It's okie.. tummy will grow big and baby will come.. it's ok.. ok?"

His kind heart extends not just to me.. the other day, my mum gave out some individually wrapped biscuits and he saw Laoma having problem with the packaging. As I had just taught him how to open, he went to Laoma, spoke gibberish (it's his version of Teochew.. I know because i caught him trying to imitate the intonations) and took it, tore it open and returned to her... "Wah, he has very good heart ah.. " observed my grandmother...


Previous Post: Belly Dancer Ace

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