Sunday, October 11, 2009

Parents, Your Job Is To STAY HEALTHY!

When you get married, you inherit an extra set of parents. Especially when they love you like their own son or daughter, you would want to love them and care for them as if they are your own birth parents as well.

Recently, I heard about a friend's mum falling sick.. so sick she had to go to the A&E in hospital in the middle of the night.... And not long after tat, her mother in law started to feel sick... add that to a long term problem of some spinal problem for this usually jovial old lady, I really feel quite sorry for that friend of mine.

Not only she has to run here and there for her both set of parents and care for them, she has to constantly worry about their well being and she was so busy caring for them that she herself had no time to rest and fell sick! And then she has to nag at them to take care of themselves.. just like we do when we nag at our children to take care of themselves.

Whenever Ace is sick, certain benefits like cold drinks, sushi, trips to IKEA playground, chocolates, milo and ice creams are taken away from him. So he understands that falling sick equals BAD...Being healthy is GOOD.. so whenever he is sick or not feeling too well.. he will very automatically drink alot of water, eat more healthy foods like fruits and veggies, go sleep early, eat alot of chloreana and do everything he can to get better soon.

While we are so mindful of how we should educate our children so that they will take care of themselves and not fall sick and make us worry, I wonder how many parents, as they grow old, remind themselves to take good care of themselves so that they would be healthy and not let their kids worry.

I think me and Max have been lucky. Both our parents, though they might have some minor problems are relatively healthy and mobile... and in that, they are able to play with Ace and help to take care of Ace when we really need help.

Many years ago, my grandfather suddenly started to feel unwell.. he started to stop being able to talk.. eventually he was unable to eat and after a few months, he passed away. It was an unpleasant experience for me as I felt really helpless when he was sick. Other than visiting almost everyday in hospital and praying for him, I felt like there was nothing else I can do. And even when I prayed and chanted for him, I did not know whether to chant for him to pass away or for him to be able to live cos it seemed like he was living in agony and pain everyday. There and then, I decided that I would take care of my health so that my children need not feel that way ever.

Subsequently, I met a health consultant who taught me how to do detox and through him and a few other wonderful mentors, I learnt many secrets to good health. While most of my friends think i am a health nut and think that it is strange that for a relatively young person like me (I was in my twenties then), I was already taking health supplements faithfully.. I sleep on beds tat emit far infra red rays and negative ions, I turned vegeterian, drink filtered,energized water, use a shower filter to filter away chlorine and use a skin detox facial bar on a regular basis, I did all these for the past few years because I had did not want myself to fall sick in old age and burden my children.

And I also passed the knowledge I had to many people who were willing to listen to me and I must say that most of my close friends are much healtheir than they would have been as a result and even some of the not very close ones or pple whom I barely know have benefitted from my sharing of my knowledge. And that sole reason was a huge motivation behind why I chose a career in the network marketing company that promotes education of good health and promotes health foods.

Now that I am no longer doing MLM and not as actively promoting good health... Now that I am used to consuming my health foods and all the healthful things that I use on a daily basis.... I guess I too have started to take my good health for granted.

My friend's situation reminded me that once and again, I should take good care of myself. Most of us also forget that when we get good health, the person who really benefits is us!:)

When we have good health in old age, it means we are mobile.. tat means we are able to go on trips and tours and enjoy our old age to the fullest, it also means we will be filled with energy and other than our families, we can share our time and experience with many others who will benefit from it.... when we have good health in old age, that also means we can enjoy carrying our grandchildren and running after them and doing activities together with them...

Like what my friend told her mother in law, "If you dun follow the doctor's instructions and take care of yourself and recover quickly, you cannot blame me next time if I don't bring your grandchildren to visit you often.. it is not because we don't love you but because you are not able to engage in any activity with them and not able to help to take care of them..."

But that being said, sometimes when our parents fall sick, it is just a sign that they feel neglected and need our attention. There is nothing a little love and concern cannot heal...

Anyway, my point is this-- Parents, it is your job to stay healthy so that you are happy and your children will not have to worry... Children, it is also your job to stay healthy so tat you are healthy and your parent do not have to worry.....

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