Monday, December 28, 2009

Buy A SEXY Bag

That's Ace having his hair cut by Master Max:) Look at his cheeky smile...

And he is very cheeky indeed....

The other day, I borrowed a book about changes in the body and it talks about how our body will grow and change so that eventually, we will be able to make babies. And the book talks about people having sexy thoughts sometimes and how that is normal....

For me, I just read the book to Ace.. BUT I do wonder if he understands what sexy means...

Now, I know he thinks of it probably as being beautiful...

The other day, it was somewhat drizzling, so I used my bag to cover his head when we got out of the car.

"Oh dear, my bag is wet already..." I commented to Ace.

"Ya, your bag so lousy now..."Ace agreed.

"I think I should ask Daddy to buy me a new bag.." I told Ace.

"Yes, Mummy, buy a pretty sexy bag..."

I was so shocked that he used the word "sexy".. so I asked him.. how would a sexy bag look like.. what colour would it be and he replied that it will be pink and grey and that it would be big...

And then I told him maybe he can buy it for me instead of daddy.. "No, mummy, I cannot... because I don't have money.. I never 赚钱.. so I have no money. You always go and 赚钱 so you got money. You can buy for yourself...."

Whatever happened to the "I will buy for you when I grow up" phase?

PS: He always tells me he will buy a hello kitty phone for me when he grows up because he knows that I like Hello Kitty... Anyway, I told him that when he grows up, he has to buy daddy a nice transformer car and buy me a nice house... he say, ok, he buy when i am old.. i told him that he should buy for me when I am young so that i can enjoy it more:) hahahaha

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