Thursday, April 22, 2010

Waipo's BD Celebration

It was Popo's BD and while me and Ace actualy secretly planned to bake a strawberry chiffon cake for her.. but one day, while we were chatting about the bread we baked, she requested that we dun buy cakes and bake her some bread instead..

That is cos in the school where she works, there are more than 100 children and everyday, or every other day, it is someone's birthday and she had to keep eating cakes....

Anyway, because of this, me and Ace decided to bake her a heart shaped bread that we found in the receipe with the Konepan that we bought... it is not as successful as I would like it to be... cos it is kind of like a bread with a cookie on top and on some pieces, the cookie was breaking into crumbles and my mum said my cookie top is too thick...

I am also not sure if I baked it correctly cos initially when I followed the receipe.. the cookie partion part of the dough seemed really funny... like there was alot of excess flour swirling about.. i checked the Japanese receipe and found out that it only required like 50gm of flour! So I just tried to make things right and added another two portions of the other items....

I also did not have any icing sugar and used my grinder to grind some from the rock sugar that I had.. hahahaha...

But well, most important is that both Popo and Ace said it is nice:)

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