Sunday, October 24, 2010

We Can Fly!

We managed to rent out our car and I am really happy because if not, it is a $1000/mth school bus for Ace.

Anyway, now that Ace we rented out the car, Ace takes a school bus to school.

The other day, I had to bring him to the pick up point and when we stepped out from the lift, a very heavy gust of wind blew towards us and the trees started swaying and leaves were flying all around...

"Wow! Mummy! We can fly!" exclaimed Ace and I replied. "Yes, let's fly!" And we "flew" to the pick up point.

Because the wind was so big and because there were so many leaves flying around us, it really felt like we were flying and it was a really liberating experience. Never felt so free and happy in a long while... I think Ace enjoyed himself too.. even though lenght of flight time was only about 20 seconds.

Afterward, he would always look forward to flying again. Whenver he steps out of the leave, he would comment with disappointment that "Today is not a flying day.. today is only a walking and running and jumping day.."

Thanks, Ace! If you didn't suggested flying, I wouldnt have had such a wonderful experience!

PS: While we were doing a long walk together the other day, we felt some wind and "flew" together again... alas, not as shiok as the other time when the gust of wind was really strong...

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